Northeast Ohio Areawide Coordinating Agency (NOACA) MPO Archives


Commuter Rail Advisory Committee Documents

Northeast Ohio Commuter Rail Feasibility Study (NEORail) Phase II Final Report 12-2001 by Parsons Brinckerhoff and Urban Conservation and Design for NOACA, AMATS, and SCATA

Title Page (Final Report Title Page MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 86KB

Table of Contents (Table of Contents FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 13KB

Executive Summary (Exec Sum FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 720KB

Chapter 1: Project Overview (Ch 1 FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 548KB

Chapter 2: Regional travel Patterns and Role of Commuter Rail (Ch 2 FINAL MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 388KB

Chapter 3: Commuter Rail Routes and Operating Plans (Ch 3 FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 3.073MB

Chapter 4: Phase II Evaluation Methodology and Results (Ch 4 FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 538KB

Chapter 5: Recommended Phasing (Ch 5 FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 2.931MB

Chapter 6: Implementation Strategy (Ch 6 FINAL MBC 2-06-02.pdf) 320KB


Title Page (Appendices Title Page MBC 3-09-02.pdf) 86KB

A. Commuter Rail Advisory Committee (Appendix A MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 228KB

B. Public Involvement (Appendix B MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 764KB

C. Alternative Solutions (Appendix C MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 3.29MB

D. Demographic Data (Appendix D MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 108KB

E. The Effect of Rail Transit on Property Values (Appendix E MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 470KB

F. Land Use Brochure (Appendix F MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 89KB

G. NEORail Phase I Evaluation Criteria Matrix (Appendix G MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 98KB

H. Ridership, Capital and O&M Cost Back-up (Appendix H MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 166KB

I. Additional Funding Sources (Appendix I MBC 3-08-02.pdf) 2.244MB

J. Train Schedules, Railroad Configuration and Infrastructure Improvements

Title Page (Title Page MBC 2-07-02.pdf) 12KB

Cleveland North Coast Transportation Center [Dwntwn Cleve Station (All Routes) MBC 2-08-02.pdf] 895KB

Route 1 Lake West Corridor: Lakewood Station @ St. Charles/Belle Ave. (Route 1 Lake West FINAL MBC 2-08-02.pdf) 3.334MB

Route 4 Cleveland Akron-Canton Phase I: Garfield Heights Station @ McCracken Road/I-480 (Rt 4 Cleve-Canton via Hudson MBC 2-07-02.pdf) 7.954MB

Route 5 South Corridor Cleveland-Akron via Kent: Twinsburg Station @ Darrow Rd. (Rt 7 Lake East MBC 2-07-02.pdf) 4.161MB

Route 6 Southeast Corridor; Route 4 Cleveland-Akron-Canton Phase I; Route 5 South Corridor Cleveland-Akron via Kent: Cleveland E.55th Station @ E.55th/Euclid Ave. (Route 6 East FINAL MBC 2-08-02.pdf) 4.155MB

Route 7 Lake East Corridor Cleveland-Conneaut: East Cleveland/Bratenahl Station @ E. 105th St. (Rt 7 Lake East MBC 2-07-02.pdf) 4.161MB

K. Early and Mid-Term Station Locations (one-page layouts) (listed in Appendix but apparently not provided as files)


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This page updated 1-15-2016