Summit County, Ohio Archives


Summit County Executive & Council

Ordinance No. 2003-227 Amending Chapter 164A "Port Authority" to provide that the Summit County Port Authority Secretary or Treasurer shall act as its Chief Fiscal Officer for special projects and that the SCPA Board meetings may be held in the board room outside of the SCPA offices 5-19-2003 (County-Legislation-2003-227 5-19-2003.pdf)

Ordinance No. 99-004 Amending Chapter 164A "Port Authority" establishing a port authority 3-15-1999 (County-Legislation-99-004 3-15-1999.pdf)

Ordinance No. 2007-550 Amending Section 164A.03 "Board of Directors" to remove the limitation on members of the SCPA Board of Directors to only four consecutive terms 10-29-2007 (County-Legislation-2007-550 10-29-2007.pdf)

Ordinance No. 2008-510 Chapter 164A "Port Authority" to modify and clarify the composition, roles, responsibilities, and duties of the SCPA 12-15-2008 (County-Legislation-2008-510-signed 12-15-2008.pdf)

Ordinance No. 2012-067 Chapter 164A "Port Authority" to change the name of the Summit County Port Authority to the Development Finance Authority of Summit County to more accurately reflect its economic development activities 5-3-2012 (County-Legislation-2012-067-name-change 3-5-2012.pdf)



Summit County Shared Broadband Initiative - Final Report (Local Government Innovation Fund grant proposal submitted by the County of Summit) c.9-12-2013 (Summit County Shared Broadband Initiative Final Report c.9-12-2013.pdf)

Summit County Broadband Initiative Grant Application c.2012 (Summit County Broadband Initiative c.2012.pdf) 4.875MB

Akron & Summit County Broadband Report 2009: Assessing Economic Impact on Growth 11-2009 (796-Akron-and-Summit-County-Broadband-Report-2009-112309-_Version-2_.pdf) 2.55MB


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This page updated 7-28-2016