Pittsburgh, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis "Panhandle" Corridor
The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
Chicago & St. Louis Multimodalway (EOHPCCSTLMMY
1-4-2005.pdf) 486KB
Project #1 of the proposed State of Ohio Multimodalway government agency
(East Gould Tunnel-Newark, including 50% if not 100% of Newark-Columbus, the
Cadiz, East Columbus, and Trinway Branches, and the Hebron Industrial Track;
Jefferson, Harrison, Tuscarawas, Coshocton, Muskingum, Licking, Franklin Counties)
The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
Chicago & St. Louis Multimodalway (WVPCCSTLMMY
1-3-2004.pdf) 244KB
Project #1 of the proposed
State of West Virginia Multimodalway government agency (PA/WV State Line-CP
Steel [Weirton Yard]; Hancock & Brooke Counties)
The Pittsburgh, Cincinnati,
Chicago & St. Louis Multimodalway (PAPCCSTLMMY
1-3-2004.pdf) 332KB
Project #1 of the proposed Commonwealth of Pennsylvania Multimodalway
government agency (Esplen-PA/WV State Line; Allegheny & Washington Counties)